Bring all your skill and knowledge, and dive into this ... more than your everyday ... word game! Guess phrases, win the highest trophy to play longer frenzies, collect rewards, and use them to unlock eye-dazzling city attractions!

Stock on gems, and unlock premium word guessing themes packed with fun and value in your following matches!

Download and play now!


Green Meadow Studios proudly received 2nd Place Award in the 2022 Very Big Indie Pitch for our upcoming version of our first title: Word Masters!

This competition was part of the PG Connects conference that took place in Jordan on November 12th and 13th, 2022.

About Us

Fun games, for good! We deeply believe in the value games can deliver to their players. Beyond the fun itself, games are the perfect environment to develop personal qualities that positively influence us in real life.

We have a deep passion for growth mindset in particular ... the concept that intelligence and excellence are practicable, and not fixed traits that some people have more or less of since birth.

We are dedicated to developing game that grow knowledge, skill, and mindset as a byproduct of playing. We design our games to be fun-first. However, we take it as a mission to ensure our players also gain recognizable long-term value as a result of playing our games.

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